Past Events
Talk / Seminar on Wednesday 20th of August 2003, 05:30 PM (21 years ago)
Contact: Robyn Bridges | 021 235 8997
Guest speaker John Barkla (DOC Otago) will give an illustrated talk on some of his botanical survey highlights from last summer. Come and hear about hidden delights in the Richardson Mountains and the search for elusive Pittosporum patulum in the jungle of the upper Landsborough. At the NEW Zoology Benham Building, 346 Great King Street, behind the Zoology car park by the Captain Cook Hotel. Use the main entrance of the Benham Building to get in and go to the Benham Seminar Room, Rm. 215, 2nd floor. Please be prompt as we have to hold the door open. NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE.
Field Trip on Saturday 9th of August 2003, 10:00 AM (21 years ago)
Contact: Allison Knight
Led by Ralph Allen, Wildland Consultants. Orokonui is the proposed site of a 'Mainland Island'. Ralph will talk about the sanctuary concept and give some indications of where things would be and how it would function. There will also be a chance to see the tallest tree in New Zealand. Meet Botany Dept car park, 464 Gt King St, 10 am to car pool (10c/km/passenger), or at Orokonui 10.30 am. Bring lunch. Rain date Sun 10 August.
Workshop on Saturday 26th of July 2003, 10:00 AM (21 years ago)
Contact: Allison Knight
with Jennifer Bannister and Allison Knight. Leaves are falling and wind is blowing, exposing and dropping twigs. Lichens growing on the newly exposed bark of twigs are good environmental monitors. We thought it would be interesting to get an indication of what is growing on twigs in our area, and then talk about the possibility of a distribution map. Start collecting interesting twigs you come across now. Please note where you found them and what tree or shrub they are from. Air-dry them and store them in a dry place (or in the freezer if you want to slow browsing by invertebrates). Bring: lichens on twigs, hand lens and lunch. Microscopes and laboratory space are generously made available by the Department of Botany, tea and coffee will be supplied by the BSO. Related reading: Try the British website on lichens on twigs for interactive keys and some useful basic information. For common NZ species, see: Lichens on Trees: Identification Guide to Common Lichens and Plants on Urban and Rural Trees in New Zealand, by P. N. Johnson and D. J. Galloway, Landcare Research, Dunedin 1999
Talk / Seminar on Wednesday 23rd of July 2003, 05:30 PM (21 years ago)
Contact: Robyn Bridges | 021 235 8997
A talk by Ted Nye. Solander (1733-1782) was a pupil of Carl Linnaeus. He went to Britain to spread the doctrine of his master on classification of living things. He worked at the British Museum and soon came to the attention of Joseph Banks and, a few years later, was recruited by Banks to be one of the Scientific team on the Endeavour under Captain Cook. Thus Solander was the first professional botanist to visit New Zealand, in 1769. From this it follows that, with the looming 300th anniversary of the birth of Linnaeus in 2007, Dunedin should be the first city in New Zealand to honour Solander by setting up a garden in his memory. At the NEW Zoology Benham Building, 346 Great King Street, behind the Zoology car park by the Captain Cook Hotel. Use the main entrance of the Benham Building to get in and go to the Benham Seminar Room, Rm. 215, 2nd floor. Please be prompt as we have to hold the door open. NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE.
Workshop on Sunday 8th of June 2003, 10:00 AM (21 years ago)
Contact: Cleveland Living Arts Centre | | (03) 477 7291
Led by Monica Peters, in conjunction with the Cleveland Living Arts Centre at the Dunedin Railway Station. This workshop is aimed at people who are curious about plants and want to learn a variety of ways to create good quality representations. Basic drawing materials supplied. Bring a plant to draw, lunch, hand lens and any specialist drawing material (pens, papers etc) if you have them. Course fee $55. More details here.
Talk / Seminar on Wednesday 4th of June 2003, 12:00 PM (21 years ago)
Contact: Trish Fleming | | (03) 479 7577
A talk by Barbara Wheeler, Collections Supervisor, Dunedin Botanic Garden. This is a joint seminar with the Department of Botany. Upstairs in the Union Street Lecture Theatre (formerly the Botany School Annexe), in the red-brown building, cnr Union Street (West) and Gt King Street.
Talk / Seminar on Wednesday 28th of May 2003, 05:30 PM (21 years ago)
Contact: Robyn Bridges | 021 235 8997
Talk and superb slides by Prof. Steve Stephenson, Fairmont State College, West Virginia, USA. A slide show on the special places slime moulds occur from arctic tundra to tropical forests. Drinks and nibbles before and after, for a gold coin donation. Meet in the Zoology Annexe Seminar Room, Gt King Street, back behind the car park between the Dental School and the Zoology Department. Dinner at a local restaurant to follow.
Talk / Seminar on Wednesday 28th of May 2003, 12:00 PM (21 years ago)
Contact: Trish Fleming | | (03) 479 7577
Phytoremediation of soil contaminants using short rotation forestry in the United Kingdom. A talk by Chris French, Biological and Earth Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University and The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom. A Department of Botany seminar. Upstairs in the Union Street Lecture Theatre (formerly the Botany School Annexe), in the red-brown building, cnr Union Street (West) and Gt King Street.
Does size matter? Vegetation and plant diversity in fragments of indigenous forests in eastern Otago
Talk / Seminar on Wednesday 21st of May 2003, 12:00 PM (21 years ago)
Contact: Trish Fleming | | (03) 479 7577
Ralf Ohlemueller, Botany Department, University of Otago. A Department of Botany seminar. Upstairs in the Union Street Lecture Theatre (formerly the Botany School Annexe), in the red-brown building, cnr Union Street (West) and Gt King Street.
Talk / Seminar on Wednesday 2nd of April 2003, 05:30 PM (21 years ago)
Contact: Robyn Bridges | 021 235 8997
Meet at 5:30 for drinks and nibbles - the talk will start at 5:45 PM. Adrienne Markey will give a slide show entitled Walking with Western Australian Wildflowers. Before starting her PhD here in Dunedin, Adrienne worked for the Department of Conservation and Land Management in Western Australia. Her love of photography and enthusiasm for Western Australia's wildflowers will guarantee a lively and exciting talk. Meet in the Zoology Annexe Seminar Room, Great King Street, back behind the car park between the Dental School and the Department of Zoology. Bring a gold coin donation towards costs.
Field Trip on Saturday 15th of March 2003, 09:30 AM (22 years ago)
Contact: Robyn Bridges | 021 235 8997
A full day field trip with Robyn Bridges. A cross-country walk to a landform of interest both botanically and geologically. The prominent bump on the horizon, on the left as you head north past the Karitane turnoff, is a volcanic hill 'standing alone in a schist landscape'. Botanical specimens of interest include Coprosma virescens, Fuchsia perscandens and Gingidia montana. Bring all-weather gear, stout footware, food, drink and money for transport. Meet in the Department of Botany carpark, 464 Great King Street, to car-pool. Passengers pay driver 8c/km. Read Wild Dunedin by Neville Peat and Brian Patrick for more interesting details about Mt Watkin.
Talk / Seminar on Wednesday 12th of March 2003, 05:30 PM (22 years ago)
Contact: Robyn Bridges | 021 235 8997
Drink, nibbles and chat followed by a short meeting to elect a chairman and committee for 2003. Then, guest speaker Kelvin Lloyd will give one of his fabulous slide shows on The Botanical Tramper. More tantalising glimpses of untracked wilderness. Meet in the Zoology Annexe Seminar Room, Great King Street, back behind the car park between the Dental School and the Department of Zoology. Bring a gold coin donation towards costs.
Social Event on Friday 7th of March 2003, 12:00 PM (22 years ago)
Contact: David Orlovich |
A BBQ to welcome new botany/ecology students and new BSO members. Meet at the front lawn, Botany House Annexe, Great King Street (across the road from the Caltex). Sausage sandwiches and juice $1 each. All BSO members welcome! Contact David Orlovich for details.