Warrington and Seacliff

Field Trip on Saturday 27th of September 2003, 10:00 AM (20 years ago)

Contact: Chuck and Carol Landis | (03) 482 2846

Carol and Chuck Landis live at the old James Powell Convalescent Home in Warrington. Their large garden contains ornamental trees and an extensive variety of shrubs. Many rhododendron, including several original species, will be in bloom and a range of unusual Magnoliidae is also present. An adjoining area of "bush" contains a range of New Zealand trees, shrubs and ferns. The central part, containing about 95 species of East Otago provenance, is surrounded by a belt comprising natives including many sourced from outside the local area. Highlights include Pennantia baylisiana, Alseuosmia spp, and three Ixerba brexioides. The possible effects of companion plants on Ixerba growth are very interesting. The Enchanted Forest at the nearby Seacliff Reserve will also be visited. It contains a variety beautiful mature trees (native and exotic) on the grounds of the old Seacliff psychiatric hospital. Many were planted by Sir Truby King 100 years ago. A new list of significant trees on the reserve will be provided. Trip departs from the Botany Dept carpark at 10:00 (alternatively meet at Chuck and Carol's at 10:30). Return mid- afternoon. Bring lunch; hot water will be supplied. In case of inclement weather we'll try Sunday 28, same times.