
Botanical Society of Otago Membership Form

Download the membership form (66 KB, doc)

Botanical Society of Otago Constitution - proposed update

Here is the current constitution of the society and the proposed updated one. At the AGM we will be voting on if we should adopt the updated constitution. See the notice in the current newsletter for more details. bso-constitution-2001.pdf proposed placeholder

Illustrated key to New Zealand mosses

Download the xii.2020 version of the key (56.3 MB pdf).

Herbarium Workshop—a joint BSO/Botany Department initiative

Download the herbarium workshop programme (80 KB, docx)

Audrey Eagle Publishing Fund application

The AEP Fund is held in trust by the Botanical Society of Otago (BSO).

Aim The aim of the Fund is to promote the dissemination of New Zealand botanical literature by contributing to publication costs.

Background The Fund originated in 2006 from a donation of $7,000 given to Audrey Eagle CNZM, from various sources, to publish supplementary notes to accompany her notable contribution to New Zealand botanical publications, Eagle's Complete Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand. The Supplement, published by BSO, came out in October 2006 and profits from this were the basis of this self-perpetuating fund. The Fund was considerably enhanced in 2014 when the first recipient, Allison Knight, not only paid back the loan but also contributed all profits from her publication Lichens of New Zealand - an introductory illustrated guide.

Please contact the BSO committee to discuss your project.

Download the application form (pdf)

Supplement to Eagle's Complete Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand—Additional Notes (2006)

By Audrey Eagle

Download the First Supplement (1.9 MB, pdf)

Second Supplement to Eagle's Complete Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand—Historical Notes (2014)

By Audrey Eagle

Download the Second Supplement (3 MB, pdf)

Lichens of New Zealand: An Introductory Illustrated Guide

By Allison Knight

Download a PDF of the whole book in full colour (107 MB, pdf)

John Steel's Key to the plants of the track from Pigeon Flat to Leith Saddle

Over the past few years I have been compiling a key to the vascular plants that can be seen from the track leading from Pigeon Flat to the summit of Swampy Spur. I have been inflicting this key on students on their trips to the area and acknowledge their help in refining it. I have used only vegetative characters and have incorporated solutions to those problems students have encountered when using it. If anyone cares to try it out when visiting the area, I would appreciate any further feedback as well as any new species they come across. Some work still needs to be done on the Coprosma species and the grasses and any comments there would be welcomed.

Download the key (176 KB, pdf)

Veronica conspectus

The previously posted version has minor errors—if people have downloaded it before 5 December 2007 they should replace it with this one.

Download the alphabetical list of names in New Zealand Veronica (100 KB, pdf)

Other links that people have found useful

Botanical terminology