Past Events

Field Trip on Saturday 4th of October 2014, 08:30 AM (9 years ago)

Contact: John Steel | | 021 2133 170

Malcolm and Jo Douglas have invited us to visit their family property near Waianakarua. This has been in the family for a hundred years and their love of trees is obvious, resulting in an impressive and eclectic arboretum of exotic and native species in a beautiful setting—and this planting continues today. The valley of the Middle Branch of the Waianakarua River with regenerating native bush runs along the boundary and is an extension of the Waianakarua Scenic Reserve. This is a rare opportunity and privilege for us to visit something quite special. In return, Malcolm and Jo would like us to compile a species list for the property. Meet at the Botany car park to depart at 8.30 am or at 9.30 am at the intersection of State Highway One with McKerrow Road, just south of the Mill House, Waianakarua.

Field Trip on Saturday 13th of September 2014, 10:30 AM (9 years ago)

Contact: Allison Knight

Your chance to learn more about these fascinating miniature plants that live all around us. Together they contribute more New Zealand species than the flowering plants, so are an important, yet often overlooked part of our biodiversity. Meet at the Dunedin Botanic Garden information centre. Bring a hand lens or magnifying glass. Lichens of New Zealand, An Introductory Illustrated Guide and a beginner's guide covering mosses, liverworts and lichens will be available. No food or drink is allowed inside so bring a picnic lunch and thermos or eat in the Croque Café next door. Workshop space and microscopes are limited. Please register by Wednesday 10 Sept.

Talk / Seminar on Wednesday 10th of September 2014, 06:00 PM (9 years ago)

Contact: David Lyttle | | (03) 454 5470

A talk by Peter Johnson, Landcare Research, Dunedin. Long Leaves and Fat Roots. The Baylis Lecture is held annually by the Botanical Society of Otago, in conjunction with the Botany Department. It is named in honour of Dr Geoff Baylis, the first Professor of Botany at the University of Otago. My "long leaves" plant stories will be about Rhopalostylis, Cordyline, Cyathea, Freycinetia, Phormium, Astelia, Collospermum, Xeronema, Pseudopanax, Arthropodium, Austroderia, Chionochloa and Aciphylla. A sample of 110 spp that help to comprise what I see as an overlooked iconic group of the New Zealand flora, from palms to tussocks, each with its own lifestyle and morphology as it relates to wind, youth, old age, the funnelling or shedding of rain and nutrients, and competition. My "fat roots" stories will concern the likes of Griselinia and Coprosma which Geoff Baylis clearly demonstrated to be dependent on mycorrhizal fungi, a finding applicable to most plants throughout the world. As one of Geoff's PhD students in the 1970s, I reckon it is time for me to revisit this topic, so at the time of writing this abstract I have some reagents on hand to help take a further look at root morphology and stained fungi. So who knows what other stories might come out of the soil; (or from aerial roots, or as beneficial fungi in leaf bases of nest epiphytes?) Watch this space. Castle 1, University of Otago (drinks and nibbles starting from 5.15 pm in the concourse)

Field Trip on Sunday 31st of August 2014, 10:00 AM (9 years ago)

Contact: Robyn Bridges | 021 235 8997

We will visit a 20 hectare block of dry coastal Otago forest on the Orr's property on Saddle Hill, an area protected by a QE11 covenant. This regenerating forest is located in a steepish gully and has been extensively replanted and maintained by the Orrs. Aside from the flora, fauna of interest is a colony of peripatus which was first located in this area by Anthony Harris. The walk is about 1.5 hours. Good footwear is essential and there is a picnic area where we could have lunch. Meet at the Botany Department car park at 10 am.

Talk / Seminar on Wednesday 20th of August 2014, 05:20 PM (9 years ago)

Contact: David Lyttle | | (03) 454 5470

A talk by Councillor Gretchen Robertson from the Otago Regional Council. Councillor Robertson will discuss the Councils focus and strategies for biodiversity in Otago. At the Zoology Benham Building, 346 Great King Street, behind the Zoology car park by the Captain Cook Hotel. Use the main entrance of the Benham Building to get in and go to the Benham Seminar Room, Rm. 215, 2nd floor. Please be prompt as we have to hold the door open.

Field Trip on Saturday 12th of July 2014, 03:00 PM (10 years ago)

Contact: Dunedin City Council (DCC) | | (03) 477 4000

Mosses, liverworts and lichens are a large, but often overlooked, part of our native flora. Luckily it's not hard to stop and take a closer look and appreciate the huge diversity of cryptic species we have in New Zealand. Come along to our workshop to have a hands-on experience alongside some experts in bryophyte and lichen identification and see this tiny flora in a whole new light! Free, bookings essential. Led by Kelly Frogley

Field Trip on Saturday 12th of July 2014, 02:00 PM (10 years ago)

Contact: Dunedin City Council (DCC) | | (03) 477 4000

We all know what plants are, but just how well do we look at them? Could you describe a plant to someone who has never seen it before? Can you even describe it to yourself? If not how can you know it? This walk will encourage you to take a closer look and think about what you are actually looking at. Free, bookings essential. Led by John Steel.

Field Trip on Saturday 12th of July 2014, 01:00 PM (10 years ago)

Contact: Dunedin City Council (DCC) | | (03) 477 4000

The organisms living in the bed of a stream or river can tell us much about how clean or dirty this stream is. Many of these organisms are excellent bioindicators because they are sensitive to pollution and also reflect the conditions over several months before they are collected. During our walk we will visit several sites at the Water of Leith where we'll collect the aquatic larvae of insect groups such as mayflies and caddis flies. You will learn what these creatures can tell us about how healthy the aquatic community is. After the walk we'll take some of these animals to the Information Centre so we can study them under the microscope—they often look very impressive! Free, bookings essential.

Field Trip on Saturday 12th of July 2014, 12:00 PM (10 years ago)

Contact: Dunedin City Council (DCC) | | (03) 477 4000

This guided walk will reveal some of New Zealand's exceptionally rich lichen flora. Explore the Botanic Garden and Lovelock Bush to discover the diverse growth forms and habitats of these amazing symbiotic organisms. Free, bookings essential. Led by David Galloway

Field Trip on Saturday 12th of July 2014, 12:00 PM (10 years ago)

Contact: Dunedin City Council (DCC) | | (03) 477 4000

Fine day: Leaf litter in the Botanic Garden will be put through a hand-held sieve onto a tray and the invertebrates will be identified using hand-held trays. Rainy day: A demonstration on sieving leaf litter for invertebrates will be quickly presented. Then, using microscopes set up on tables in the Botanic Garden Information Centre near the Winter Garden, some of the sieved insects, mites, pseudoscorpions and minute wingless wasps will be viewed under binocular microscopes and identified using books and keys. People will help themselves to the bag and look at the litter inhabitants in a Petri dish under a microscope. Free, bookings essential.

Field Trip on Saturday 12th of July 2014, 11:00 AM (10 years ago)

Contact: Dunedin City Council (DCC) | | (03) 477 4000

Fungi are nutrient recyclers and they are everywhere—in soil, on plants, on our skin and even in many foods and drinks we consume. Many fungi are plant decomposers and many others help plants to grow, so fungi connect much of life on Earth. The Dunedin Botanic Garden is rich in fungal diversity: we will search the gardens for fungi and discover how important they are for a healthy environment. Bring a camera. Free, bookings essential. Led by David Orlovich.

Field Trip on Saturday 12th of July 2014, 10:00 AM (10 years ago)

Contact: Dunedin City Council (DCC) | | (03) 477 4000

Join a team of experts from Orokonui Ecosanctuary and Landcare Research to systematically survey life in Lovelock Bush! Learn how to detect, collect and identify native plants and assess bush vitality; introduced pests from bite marks, footprints and poo; birds from calls, flight styles and nests; invertebrates in the leaf litter, soil and beyond! Take home skills to make your backyard a beautiful sanctuary. Free, no bookings necessary.

Field Trip on Saturday 12th of July 2014, 10:00 AM (10 years ago)

Contact: Dunedin City Council (DCC) | | (03) 477 4000

See how to instantly identify New Zealand native plants using the camera on your smart device. Flora Finder is an electronic field guide to help you identify some of the most common New Zealand native plants from photographs of their leaves. Throughout the day. Free admission—no bookings necessary.

Field Trip on Saturday 12th of July 2014, 10:00 AM (10 years ago)

Contact: Dunedin City Council (DCC) | | (03) 477 4000

How many different kinds of birds can we see, hear and identify? Accompany ornithologists from Birds New Zealand to several parts of the garden to find the birds that live there. Hear life stories of some of the birds. Learn the differences between native and introduced birds. Please bring binoculars if you have them. Free, bookings essential.

Field Trip on Saturday 12th of July 2014, 10:00 AM (10 years ago)

Contact: Tom Myers | | (03) 473 8176

Come and join us build a wild plant species inventory in New Zealand's first botanic garden. We are looking for experts, amateurs and beginners to help find, identify and map as many wild plant species as possible. With your help we have the opportunity to extend scientific and public knowledge of diversity in the Botanic Garden. The BioBlitz is a wonderful opportunity to share your knowledge or learn more.