Slope Point and Environs, Southland

Field Trip on Saturday 18th of May 2024, 08:00 AM (9 months ago)

Contact: Gretchen Brownstein

Leaders: John Barkla / Gretchen Brownstein.

On this trip to the far south we will visit both public and private reserves to see the diversity of plants and vegetation along the south coast, including coastal forests, coastal turfs, coastal cliffs, estuaries and sand dunes. The local QEII reps will lead us around some of the hidden gems of the area. We will be doing a series of shorts walks (between 5min to 1 hour at various sites) depending on site, so there will interesting plants to see for all levels of fitness. Come prepared to be flexible, with good walking shoes, warm clothing, food, and water. Limited accommodation at Slope Point is availble on the Saturday night. Travel 200km (one-way). Please contact Gretchen to book a place on the trip.