Truby King Reserve, Seacliff

Field Trip on Saturday 15th of March 2025, 09:00 AM (3 weeks from now)

Contact: Alex Wearing

A day trip to explore the diverse botanical features of the Truby King Reserve (TBK). The TBK once formed part of the grounds of the Seacliff Hospital. It is now administered by the Dunedin City Council. There are survivals of the original - mostly introduced - tree plantings (which are currently being mapped). There are many more trees that have spread from the original plantings, many - native and introduced tree and shrub species - that have arrived spontaneously, and there are also ongoing informal plantings of - mostly - native trees. Some of the species present, such as sycamore, require ongoing control. The TKR has a good network of tracks, and it is a good place to visit if you like tall trees. We will investigate the different stands of TKR to see what mosses, liverworts, fungi and lichens are present, and what is happening to the woody debris that has been left in situ following cutting and pruning. Bring good walking shoes, something to eat and drink, and clothing for the weather on the day. Meet at the Botany Department car park at 9 am and return time 3 p.m. Contact Alex, 0210510014.