Rock and Pillar Range field trip

Talk / Seminar on Saturday 3rd of April 2004, 09:00 AM (20 years ago)

Contact: Allison Knight

Full day or weekend field trip to the Rock and Pillar Range with alpine research botanists and ecologists. For the fit there is the option of a 3-4 hr walk up through changing vegetation zones from lowland pasture/tussock/scrub, through subalpine tussock with regenerating Hebe right up to Celmisia-dominated alpine herb fields and lichen-rich cushion fields. On-going botanical and ecological research has been based in this area for over 50 years, often using the Otago Tramping and Mountaineering Club hut, 'Leaning Lodge' as a base and refuge. See There's an opportunity for those keen to extend their appreciation of the alpine flora to stay overnight, in this classic old ex-ski hut, which has been marked for destruction by DoC. Warm clothing and footwear for wet, windy conditions are advisable whatever the weather forecast. High wheel base 4WD advisable for those not walking. Some seats may be available. Contact Robyn Bridges, 479 8244 (day) if you wish to stay overnight (numbers limited).