Mt Watkin / Hikaroroa

Field Trip on Saturday 15th of March 2003, 09:30 AM (21 years ago)

Contact: Robyn Bridges | 021 235 8997

A full day field trip with Robyn Bridges. A cross-country walk to a landform of interest both botanically and geologically. The prominent bump on the horizon, on the left as you head north past the Karitane turnoff, is a volcanic hill 'standing alone in a schist landscape'. Botanical specimens of interest include Coprosma virescens, Fuchsia perscandens and Gingidia montana. Bring all-weather gear, stout footware, food, drink and money for transport. Meet in the Department of Botany carpark, 464 Great King Street, to car-pool. Passengers pay driver 8c/km. Read Wild Dunedin by Neville Peat and Brian Patrick for more interesting details about Mt Watkin.