Field trip to Blueskin Farm

Field Trip on Saturday 17th of October 2009, 09:00 AM (15 years ago)

Contact: Kelvin Lloyd | | (03) 477 2076

Blueskin Farm is located on low hills to the west of Blueskin Bay, at 156 Manse Road. The farm supports patches of primary rimu-miro forest, secondary kanuka, a small but distinctive patch of heathland on Taratu Formation, and a LOT of gorse! Geological diversity is high, with volcanic, schist, conglomerate, and sedimentary substrates, and this has resulted in a relatively high diversity of native plants. Native birds are common and there are banded kokopu in the stream. We will be primarily looking at the native forest components, and with any luck the orchids will be out, if not flowering. About 120 indigenous plant species and 50 exotics have been recorded, and a list of these will be provided. Keen botanists are welcome to extend these lists, and we will hopefully make some forays into parts of the forest that have not yet been explored. Some parts of the forest are soft and slippery so wear appropriate footwear, and sensible, weather-proof clothing. If the weather is good we can boil the billy at lunchtime. Gorse makes excellent firewood! Your hosts will be Kelvin Lloyd and Beatrice Lee. Meet at the Botany Department carpark at 9 a.m., or at 156 Manse Road at 9:30 a.m.