Trip to Okia Reserve

Field Trip on Sunday 7th of August 2005, 09:15 AM (18 years ago)

Contact: Yellow Eyed Penguin Trust | | (03) 479 0011

The Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust and Save The Otago Peninsula have invited BSO to join them on a Conservation Week walk. Okia Reserve has a particularly high level of endemism and botanist Peter Johnson will be there to point out some of the rare plants hiding in the dune hollows and in the crevices of the basalt rock pyramids. It's a flat 20 min walk out to the Pyramids and there's a well-marked track on out through the dunes to Victory Beach. Meet at the Botany Dept Car Park at 9.15 to car pool, or go straight to the car park at the end of Dick Rd by 10 am. Contact person Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust Office 479 0011; email or Lala Frazer 478 0339 evenings.