Truby King Recreation Reserve, Seacliff – tree mapping
Field Trip on Saturday 20th of November 2021, 09:00 AM (3 years ago)
Contact: Maia Mistral | 027 238 8498
The Truby King Recreation Reserve comprises much of the landscaped grounds of the former Seacliff Psychiatric Hospital. The Reserve is made up open grassed areas, mixed plantings of exotic deciduous and coniferous species, along with elements of the original coastal forest, and contains many great examples of significant specimen trees. The earliest plantings have been added to through successive plantings and, as such, provide a living record of changes in horticultural fashions spanning from the 1890s to the 1960s when the last major plantings were made. In 1991, a map and DBH measurements of the significant trees was made by Euan Cadzow. His map was partially updated in 2004 by Chuck Landis to include plantings post-dating those included in the original map. On this BSO trip we will be working with Truby King Reserve Committee to begin re-mapping and measuring the significant trees and assessing tree health. This will be a great trip to use and/or gain skills in tree measurement and GPS / mapping. The information we gather will be used by Truby King Reserve Committee to assist with the ongoing maintenance and management of this wonderful reserve. The reserve has a number of well formed grass walking tracks on slopes. Only part of the tree collection is bordering relatively flat ground; some of the mapping will be of trees off track and on uneven terrain. Moderate fitness required. For more details, contact Maia Mistral The trip will depart from the Botany Department Carpark at 9am. Bring lunch.