Field Trip to Split Rock

Field Trip on Saturday 24th of May 2014, 09:30 AM (10 years ago)

Contact: Maia Mistral | 027 238 8498

Split Rock is a basalt outcrop on private land to the north-east of Seacliff. It is surrounded by a highly modified podocarp/broadleaf forest remnant that supports Asplenuim hookerianum, Acaena juvenca and Pterostylis spp. in the understory. The lichen florule is interesting in that a number of predominately corticolous (bark-living) species form saxicolous (rock-living) communities. The view from the top of the outcrop across the greater Blueskin Bay towards Matakaea/Shag Point is impressive on a clear day. Wet weather plan is to visit the Truby King Reserve, in the former grounds of Seacliff Hospital. Meet 9.30 am at the Botany Department car park, 464 Great King St. to car pool, or 10 am on the corner of Coast and Russell Roads (on the scenic coastal route from Warrington to Karitane). Return early afternoon. Leader Maia Mistral, (03) 465 8299 evenings—or leave a message.