Workshop on Biodiversity and Identification of Plants Native to the Otago Peninsula

Field Trip on Wednesday 12th of May 2010, 07:00 PM (14 years ago)

Contact: David Lyttle | | (03) 454 5470

At Macandrew Bay Hall. Note the change from our usual meeting time and venue. This is a joint meeting with The Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group. The original native vegetation of the Otago Peninsula has mostly been cleared for pastoral farming. However scattered fragments of the original vegetation remain. The purpose of this workshop is to explore the biodiversity values associated these remnants and assist people to identify the native plants that are still found on the Peninsula.

  • John Barkla, Department of Conservation "Plant Biodiversity on the Otago Peninsula."
  • Nigel McPherson, Colinswood Bush Committee "The Restoration of Colinswood Bush: A 20 Year Story."
  • Moira Parker, Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group "Weed-busting."
  • Mike Thorsen, Department of Conservation "Practical Identification of Native Plants."

At the end of the formal talks a cup of tea will be served. Specimens of various plants will be laid out on tables around the hall for participants to examine. Questions on plant identification and discussion on the topics covered are welcome.

Download a PDF of the information for this event.