Maukaatua track
Field Trip on Saturday 22nd of February 2025, 08:30 AM (1 month ago)
Contact: Jo
The walk starts from Woodside Glen, crosses Lee Creek, and heads up through mixed podocarp and beech forest. The low-alpine and rocky summit provides a great lunch spot, lots of lichen and bryophytes to observe, with stunning views. The 2.7 km return walk reaches around 895m and is a steep climb in places. Bring tramping shoes, lunch/snacks and lots of water. You may get wet feet crossing the creek. If the creek is too high to cross due to heavy rain, we can enjoy a shorter walk through Woodside Glen’s lush undergrowth. Meet at the Botany Department at 8:30am, or Woodside Glen at 9:10 am. Returning to Dunedin late afternoon. Contact Jo, 021 026 13580