Weekend Trip to the St Marys Range

Field Trip on Saturday 13th of December 2008, 08:00 AM (16 years ago)

Contact: David Lyttle | djl1yttle@gmail.com | (03) 454 5470

The St Marys Range in North Otago is very interesting botanically. It is a region of transition between the greywacke mountains of Canterbury and the schist terrain that is more typical of Central Otago. Many northern alpines reach their southern limits here and there seems to be a considerable amount of local biodiversity within the region. We hope to see a variety of scree plants including Hebe epacridea, Leptinella atrata, Aciphylla dobsonii, Raoulia youngii, Stellaria roughii and the recently described Ranunculus acraeus. We will be accompanied by Hugh Wood of Oamaru who has been visiting the area for many years and is very familiar with the flora. We will leave Dunedin early on Saturday 13th, drive to Kurow and then proceed to the Awakino ski field where we will stay at the ski lodge huts. There is an option of traveling up earlier on Friday 12th and staying two nights. We will be able to botanize when we arrive, and again on Sunday 14th when we will return to Dunedin. The cost of accommodation for the night will be $20.00. Individuals are responsible for organizing their own food. To finalize numbers and assist with organizing transport please get in touch with David Lyttle phone (03) 454 5470 or by email.