Fungal foray to Racemans Track

Field Trip on Saturday 23rd of May 2020, 08:30 AM (4 years ago)

Contact: David Orlovich |

Due to COVID-19 this trip has been put on hold. Please check back closer to the day for any updates.

We will explore local fungi with a morning foray along Racemans Track. The track passes through areas of kānuka, which hosts ectomycorrhizal fungi, so it should be an interesting and valuable site to explore. Wear all-weather clothing, walking boots and bring cameras and morning tea. We will collect in the morning, and then those interested can return to the Department of Botany at lunch time to prepare the samples for drying and lodging in the herbarium. Bring lunch if you want to stay to process specimens in Botany. Meet at the Department of Botany car park at 8:30 am or at the Silverstream car park on Silverstream Valley Road at 8:45 am. Return at 12 noon.