3rd Annual Geoff Baylis Lecture

Talk / Seminar on Wednesday 13th of October 2004, 05:20 PM (19 years ago)

Contact: Ian Radford | ian.radford@botany.otago.ac.nz | (03) 479 9065

A modern taxonomist in a postmodern era Servant or Master? A talk by Henry Connor, DSc, FRSNZ, co-author of Flora of New Zealand Volume V, Grasses. The pinnacle of botanical research is taxonomy; every subdiscipline is its contributor. Most users of the outcomes of taxonomic endeavour look for a binomial of convenience. Is this an appropriate outcome? Or are taxonomists just targets of attack over the lack of monophyleticism or the presence of paraphyleticism? A modern taxonomist will attempt some answers to modern problems, but will emphasise the amount of tedious work that lacks the modern appeal of DNA sequencing, cladograms and prominence in every botanical journal. In Castle 1 Lecture Theatre. For those that wish to join us, dinner will follow at Eureka Café and Bar, 116 Albany Street Dunedin.