Fungal Foray to Knights Bush, Tuapeka West

Field Trip on Saturday 19th of May 2007, 08:30 AM (17 years ago)

Contact: David Orlovich |

John and Alli Knight's forest on the banks of the Clutha River has a variety of fungal habitats, ranging from Pinus radiata at the top, kanuka (Kunzea ericoides) and native beech (Nothofagus menziesii and N. solandri) on the slopes and mixed podocarp/broadleaf/Nothofagus on the river flat. There may be some cross-country walking and some of the forest tracks are steepish. Wear boots with good support and grip. Cameras are a good idea; fungi are very photogenic. Leader, David Orlovich, along with international mycologist and slime mold expert Prof. Steve Stephenson. Full day trip, (with opportunity to stay overnight in tent or smoky hut. Contact Allison Knight, 487 8265 for this). Leave Botany Dept car park 8.30 am, Return 6.30 pm (or after lunch the next day). If weather is unsuitable on Saturday a day trip on Sunday may be possible.