Trip to Sutton Salt Lake

Field Trip on Saturday 18th of June 2005, 10:00 AM (19 years ago)

Contact: John Barkla | | 027 326 7917

Led by John Barkla. NZs only inland saline lake, with water half as salty as sea water. Salt-tolerant herbs line the margins of the lake, which occupies a shallow depression in the schist landscape near Middlemarch. Surrounding grasslands and shrublands have not been grazed since 1991 and contain uncommon plants such as the endemic speargrass, Aciphylla subflabellata, while the rock tors harbour an undescribed native forget-me-not. There will be a species list we hope to add to. Its an easy walk, bring your lunch and be prepared for frost. Back mid - late afternoon. Contact John Barkla, 476 3686 (evenings).